Saturday, November 15, 2008

marathon weekend

the first sunday in november is the new york city marathon.  the route goes through all five boroughs, and runs about a block from our apartment.  we made a trip to gorilla coffee and then down to fourth avenue to watch the runners.  the first people to go are the disabled athletes.  they were incredibly inspiring.  i know that there were more than a few tears of admiration shed as these determined individuals passed us. 
 the elite runners come next- first the women and then the men.  it is always incredible to watch these athletes.  we were standing at about mile 7, i think.  the time clock was in front of the athletes- and was at about 35 minutes- they were still running about 5 minute miles!  wow.  then following is everyone else.  the people just kept coming and coming.  i love when people write their names on their shirts so that the crowd can cheer them on by name.  the runners were so enthusiastic- but the prize goes to the french as a whole.  somehow every person i saw wearing a french flag was super excited - often giving the crowd high fives as they ran.  it was just a fantastic experience to watch all of these people- just think of the committment all of them have made to this achievement.

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